About the Friends of Canonchet FarmThe Friends of Canonchet Farm is a private, not-for-profit organization founded in 2007 that hopes to manage Canonchet Farm with the Town of Narragansett in the State of Rhode Island. The town of Narragansett will retain control and policy responsibility for Canonchet Farm in what we anticipate will be a public-private partnership. Thanks to the generosity of many individuals, the Friends has raised funds, and will seek to raise additional funds, to transform Canonchet Farm into a model for recreational and educational parks nationwide. Canonchet Farm is currently an underutilized resource. The Friends hopes to increase its use many times over. The Friends plans to work closely with the Town of Narragansett to manage the farm. Management duties will include but not be limited to: grant writing, raising funds, relating with public, clearing invasive growths, building bridges, fertilizing trees, pruning trees, thinning trees to open up vistas, removing dead trees and plants, removing dangerous trees and plants, showcasing glacial rocks, showcasing ancient rock walls, repairing damaged rock walls, protecting vernal pools and controlling erosion. Our plan is to improve and protect the 174 acres of Canonchet Farm and its inhabittants. We intend to work closely with the RI DEM, the RI DOT, the EPA, the US Fish & Wildllife Service and the CRMC, and to coordinate efforts and goals with the South County Museum. The Friends of Canonchet Farm foresees a future working with the community and park user groups to ensure that Canonchet Farm remains an enjoyable experience for all park visitors. Advisory boards comprised of community residents will work with the Friends on a range of projects and issues. The Friends of Canonchet Farm is firmly committed to improving, managing and preserving the Town of Narragansett's park. We intend to incorporate the public to become better stewards of this irreplaceable treasure. |